Here at Wollongong escorts, we have compiled a list of brothels that are more well known to us.
List QualificationTo qualify for this list, we are only looking at establishments that have more then 1 lady providing their services.
While there are many terrific ladies in the region that use their own rooms to service their clients; if they don't share the building with other escorts, we will not be considering them for this list of Wollongong based brothels.
Contacting the BrothelBefore we get into it, lets just cover some basic how to's for those of you who may not have attended a brothel before.
Not all brothels accept walk in clientele. For this reason it would be advisable to first contact the brothel via their preferred means of contact (phone, text message or even email).
Making an AppointmentIf an appointment is required, have a look at their website or Instagram account, and pick which lady you wo…