How to be an Escort’s Favorite Client

Regardless of if you are a new or a long standing client, how you treat your escort is the most important thing to remember. Even if you have the biggest tackle they’ve ever seen, or are the best lover they’ve ever known. If you act in a disrespectful manner and treat them poorly, you could easily find yourself being removed from their clientele, or not receiving the best possible service from them.

Making Contact


When you first reach out to an escort, do your research. Some escorts use agencies, others self advertise. Look up their names and numbers and see what their reviews are like on forums. Knowing what you should be expecting before you make contact by either phone or email, will go a long way towards helping to build a good rapport.

If they have a website, social media profile, or advertisements have a look for their terms of services. They may list their do’s and don’ts, and list a price guide. There is no point in contacting an escort that won’t do the things that you are into, or charge prices that you can’t afford. The biggest mistake that a new client can make, would be trying to haggle over prices, or to ask for things that are clearly outlined as being off limits.

If you like what you see, and happy with their reviews and services on offer, contact the escort through their preferred method of contact.

Remember to keep things respectful, and polite, whenever you make contact with an escort. Don’t be rude, vulgar, or explicit. If you can not converse with an escort in a civil manner, they will either warn you to stop or simply reject you.

If you have specific requests, you need to discuss this with the escort prior to any hook up. They need to feel that they can trust you, and that they can satisfy your desires.

For both their own peace of mind regarding their safety, and to ensure that you are a legitimate client, they may request some personal details off of you if you have booked an out call. They are not asking for your personal details for nefarious reasons, they do this as they are more worried about getting back home safely at the end of the day. It is in your best interest to answer their questions, as they will not attend any meetups that they feel unsure about.

Where to Meet Up?


Escorts offer two types of meetups, incall and outcall. Escorts that offer incall services, have a designated establishment to meet clientele. This could be their favored hotel, or a room that they rent specifically for this purpose. They may only provide you with a street name and suburb at first, with instructions to give them a call when you arrive. This is done to vent the time wasters, and to help keep the building’s location discrete and private for existing clientele.

Outcall escorts, will meet a client at their chosen location. Not every escort is comfortable with attending private residents, and may prefer hotels and other public areas for a meetup. Hotels allow the escort to call the front desk and confirm your attendance by having the call put through to your room. Other public areas are preferred for the initial meetup, as it offers them more security then meeting someone for the first time, in a quiet, isolated area.

If the escort offers an outcall service, confirm what type of location they are comfortable meeting up in. You don’t always need to meetup with an escort for sexual encounters. You may be able to request an escorts services for companionship only, they could attend dinner and functions with you as your plus one as well.

If there is going to be sex involved, make sure that the house/room is clean and tidy, especially the bathroom. Have clean towels laid out for the both of you. The escort may want to shower with you before anything gets started. Even if they don’t use the shower beforehand, they will most likely use it afterwards.

In either case, you will want the escort to be comfortable and relaxed. By having a clean and tidy house/room, your escort will be more inclined to come back again. If for some reason they feel uncomfortable for their own safety, they are free to leave at anytime. This goes for your own behavior and for those around you as well.

How to Get Yourself Ready to see an Escort

Just like any date, first impressions counts. Tidy yourself up and make sure that you are clean and smelling nice. Personal hygiene is very important. A little bit of mouth wash goes a long way, and having a bath/shower prior to the meetup can make all the difference between a good or a bad first impression.

Don’t be drunk, or under the influence of drugs. A little liquid courage is fine, but if you are drunk or stoned off your gourde, the escort will mostly leave, or have you removed. They need to know that they are going to be safe and treated right. If they feel that you are in no condition to either control yourself, or listen to when you are being told enough is enough, then most escorts would rather not take the risk and leave for their own personal safety.

If this is your first time with an escort, worry not. Most escorts can identify a client who has never hired one before. So don’t be nervous, just dress nice, be on your best behavior and try to relax. More then likely you’ll be in good hands.

Who Can Participate?

Be clear about who will be present, an escort that arrives at a meetup only to find more then the prearranged number of people present, will most likely feel threatened and will want to leave immediately.

It doesn’t matter if your friend(s) or partner just want to watch, you need to make sure that you tell the escort prior to the booking. They may not mind the idea of being watched, but it will most likely incur additional costs, and if you try to surprise them with it, they will either charge more than what the booking would have cost, or simply leave.

Trying to surprise the escort with an additional participant is the wrong thing to do. If they have only agreed to have sex with just one person, you can not force them to have sex with multiple people instead. Some escorts are willing to partake in threesomes or orgies, some many love to be double penetrated, but that’s not your call to make. Willing escorts would either bill each person separately or offer a group discount.

Other escorts do not take part in group sex whatsoever. So if that is what you are looking for, make sure to confirm this at the time of the booking.

If you have booked a session just for yourself, make sure that you are alone, and that you will not be interrupted by “surprise” guests. Remember that you should never try to surprise an escort with more people, or have your flatmates walk in on you.

It is the same thing with filming your interactions without their consent. Forcing an escort to do something that they are not willing to do, is not just wrong, it is also illegal in many cases. Forcing an escort to have sex with another person against their will is still rape. Don’t do it!

How to Greet Your Escort

Greeting your escort should be done no differently to greeting a date. Be open and friendly, but restrained. Escorts don’t like it when their clients get all handsy, and start groping them straight out the gate. Greet them politely, if they have come to you, offer them somewhere to sit and maybe even a drink. It is always polite to talk with each other first, this is especially important if this is the first time meeting the escort. Before things can get started and money can change hands, it is important that you see if you are happy with each other.

Yes yes, you are paying them for a service, but if for some reason they are unable to perform their service, now is the time for them to determine that. This also goes for you. If you are not comfortable being around the escort, or if they are not what you were hoping for, it is better to make this clear now before the clothes start coming off.

Most escorts are smart and sophisticated people. They are no different to the person that’s working in the cubical next to you, or the checkout clerk at your local supermarket, and as such they should be treated with the same level of respect that you would treat anyone else.

Getting to know your escort can help to make the two of you more relaxed. Keep in mind however, that it is best not to pry into their personal lives. Respect their privacy. You don’t need to know their real name, or where they live.

While you might think that you are being chivalrous in asking them why they are doing what they do, or by trying to suggest alternative career prospects for them. Most escorts will not feel comfortable with these discussions. It is best to stay off of this topic and talk about other things.

How to Instigate Intercourse with an Escort

Most outcall escorts have drivers that double up as bodyguards. Once they feel that they are safe, they will notify their driver through some method or another that they feel safe and that they will be staying on. Don’t take this personally, as this is done for their own protection. There are usually safety procedures in place, in the event of a troublesome client; so the notification needs to be done for each and every client.

Once you are relaxed and comfortable enough with each other, it is time to exchange money. Getting this out of the way first allows for the two of you to get into the moment easier. Take the escorts lead and only start physical interactions at their behest.

While it can be sweet of you to want to focus on what they enjoy, they are there to service your needs and wants. In truth the chances of the two of you being into the same thing is slim. Be open and honest about what you like and don’t like, your turn ons and turn offs. This is all about you after all, but the more they enjoy it, the more likely that you will too.

This is why getting to know their terms of service is important. If you are into rough stuff, anal, or aggressive domination, this needs to be discussed prior to intercourse commencing. Remember to let them know before hand, otherwise if you try to surprise them with it, you may find yourself in hot water.

With that said, follow the escorts lead. Most escorts will either begin with foreplay, or join you in a shower. This is done to not only build up the sexual tension and freshen you both up, but to also give them a chance to inspect you for any external signs of health issues and STIs. When the two of you are ready, the escort will either lead you to the bedroom or let you take the reins.

Be attentive of their wishes. If they tell you to be gentler, or ask to change positions, it’s important that you respect them. It is also polite to ask before penetrating, or touching anywhere that’s sensitive. If they try to block your attempts at it, then do not try to push it.

What Happens When You’re Done?

Responsibility for keeping track of time falls on the escort. If they have a driver, they might also act as a back up alarm clock and may contact the escort if they haven’t been in touch with them yet.

With that said, no escort can give a guarantee of when or if you’ll climax. Some men may orgasm early, while others may not ejaculate at all. It’s the same thing for women, some are able to have orgasms more easily then other women.

So if you climaxed early or failed to reach an orgasm, that falls on you, not on the escort. They don’t have control over your bodily functions, so the main thing is whether or not you enjoyed the intercourse, after all that is what you are paying the escort for. To that end, you should not ask for you money back, either way.

Following intercourse, the escort may use the shower to freshen up, before gathering their things. If you are visiting the escort, overstaying your welcome, may not only make this awkward, but may also incur you some additional charges.

It is best to thank the escort for their services, leave in a timely manner, and to leave an honest review for them on their review listing.