How to Become an Escort in Australia

Commencing work as an escort can be an exciting and profitable venture. If you have the right work ethic and patience, you can succeed in this industry. It still remains a daunting and intimidating career option for some people to be considering, with concerns about personal safety, the opinions of others, and is it really worth the money? In this article we will be aiming to help alleviate any fears and concerns that you may have about becoming an escort.

Working as an Independent or an Agency Escort

Before you commence working as an escort, you should first ask yourself the following question:

Do you wish to be your own boss, or do you wish to work for someone else?

This one simple question can be a tough decision for many new escorts to make. Not only will it have a big impact on what you are required to do before you can start working as an escort but it can also affect your experience and your potential success within the industry.

Working for an Agency

If you choose to go with an agency, you have the chance to gain a support network of fellow escorts, and possibly career advisers of sorts. The agency will provide the advertising, screening of the clients, and the handling of the business side of being an escort. Some agencies also double up as modeling agencies, however they don’t normally advertise this, and it is left to the discretion of the management to offer addition work to some of their members.

In exchange for their services, the agency will be taking a cut of your earnings, and will be expecting you to report to a boss/manager.

Being an Independent Escort

Opting to be an independent escort often offers greater freedom within the industry. You set the hours, the prices, how you wish to advertise, and any money you make is ultimately yours to keep.

The biggest draw back to working on your own, is that you need to screen your own clients, will have to manage the business end of things yourself, and build your own networks contacts. Furthermore, you are in charge of your own safety and security when meeting up with clients.

Should I Work as an Independent Escort or for an Agency?

Both options have their pros and cons. Ultimately the choice is yours, though it is best to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Determining these things can allow you to choose the option that can yield the best results for you. In Australia there is a large pool of independent and agency lead escorts.

Why Do You Want to be an Escort?

Now that you have decided if you want to go independent or through an agency, it’s time to make sure that this is the career you wish to choose for yourself.

Working as an escort is just like any other career prospect, you may need to fully consider all the pros and cons of the job before starting your new career.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you doing this for the money, or because it truly interests you?
  • Can you handle the situations that escorting could place you in?
  • Will you be telling other people about your job choice? Or are you looking at leading a double life, by keeping the escorting a secret from your friends and family?

In truth working as an escort is no different to working any other job, yes escorting is a job. You need to pay taxes, have insurance, and abide by the regulations that exist in your state or territory.

For this reason, you could look at being an escort, as a part-time or full-time job, or even just a weekend job, or something you do during your study/holiday break.

What ever you choose to do, make sure that it is what you truly want to do, and that it’s not being done to please anyone else but yourself.

Knowing the laws

Each state and territory has their own laws regarding regulations around sex workers and brothels. Get to know the laws of the state that you wish to be working in. Even if you reside in New South Wales (NSW), if you go on tour to another state, you still need to abide by their regulations.

The differences can range from licencing to insurance, and what services can be provided and where they can be provided. For more information please read our resources page.

Start Up Costs

Like all businesses there are some initial start up costs involved. Generally the actual costs are limited to insurance and a new phone for Outcall escorts, as well as rent for Incall escorts. Not to mention the content of their escort tool kit. Some escorts provide a range of their own intimate ‘toys’ while others tend to leave this up to their customer.

Each escort has their own expenses from lingerie, to gyms and fitness training, beauty treatments, and cosmetics. These expenses are not normally considered part of a start up cost, but every little thing goes a long way to helping you find regular clientele. Ask your tax agent as to what is or isn’t considered to be work related expenses. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Escorts Tool Kit – Never Leave Home Without It

All escorts are responsible for providing the condoms. An escort should never trust a client to provide their own. They could use a faulty condom or may have even tampered with it. The same thing applies to lube, any fluids that you will be allowing into your body, must be provided by you. You never no what other fluids may be present in the lube, so don’t risk it, and provide your own.

If you are going to permit the use of toys on yourself, you really should provide your own toys. That way you know that they are clean and have not been tampered with.

Items Commonly Found in an Escorts Kit

Here are a few items that can often be found in an escorts kit. Remember that each kit is personalized for your own needs and the services you intend on offering:

  • Condoms*
  • Lubricant*
  • Massage Oils
  • Sex Toys – Dildos, Cuffs, Whips, etc
  • Costumes – Wigs, Outfits
  • Lingerie
  • Body Wash – For showing afterwards
  • Mints – For fresh breath (not everyone likes bad breath)
  • Makeup – To touch up your makeup afterwards

* – these are a must have item.

Creating Your Escort Identity

Creating your own escort identity can be both fun and exciting, as it allows you to be whoever you want. You could be the shy girl next door, the rowdy cowgirl, or the domineering librarian; the choice is yours. Create an identity that suits both who you want to be, as well as being a persona that you could easily slip into and out of.

Choosing Your Name

It is very important that you keep your personal life separate from your professional life. One of the best ways to achieve this is by using an alias or escort name. Your escort name is what your clients are going to be knowing you by. It will be used on all of your advertisements, your profile, and contact details, so choose wisely.

Do your research when picking your name, this is a mistake may new escorts make. You don’t want to be using the same name as someone else who’s in the area that has already established themselves. While it may be an honest mistake or a simple coincident, it may not be viewed that way. This could cause resentment between you and the other escort, who could mistake your choice of name, to be an attempt at trying to still their clients, or even clients feeling deceived if they mistake your ad for that of the other escort.

Using multiple names can actually be detrimental to your success. If a client sees your contact details on different ads, with the same images or different pictures, they may simple write you off as a scam and not an escort to be trusted. Repeat clients may also find it hard to find you if you use multiple names, or if you keep changing it. So please, avoid using different names as much as possible, and limit any name changes to only when you absolutely must.

Photos and Images

If your prospective clientele are going to be predominately male, you need to be aware of just how visually receptive men are. Males are highly visual creatures by nature, so using the right form of imagery is extremely important. You might look hot in some swimwear photos and other modeling photos, but they may not have the right effect for attracting escort clients. Consider filling out your profile with these pictures to entice clients that want more of a girlfriend experience, but it’s best to not use them as feature images.

Your escort name will help to cement you in their minds, but its your choice of photo that will be the deciding factor that determines if they click on your profile, or more on to the next. Think of it as the before and after photos you can see in commercials. The right lighting, angle and makeup can make all the difference between a sensual photo, and an unflattering one.

What Makes a Good Escort Advertisement Photo

Using a professional photographer is not necessarily needed, so long as the photos have a good quality finish. Using an experienced photographer is important for getting the right symmetry, posture and angles. Most professional and artistic photographers will have the skills necessary for producing the best possible photos for you.

They may even be able to direct you into taking those risque poses that reveal nothing, while leave it all to the imagination. This will be beneficial for you to use these images in your advertisements, on social media platforms, and may even help you to obscure your identity, which could offer some level of privacy.

Tips for a Good Photo:

  • They need to have sensuality and warmth
  • Use the right lighting, background, angle and pose
  • They must meet the states regulations
  • Make them inciting for the prospective clients
  • Leave enough for the imagination, making them wanting more

Never Use Fake or Misleading Images

First things first, never use images of someone else, no matter how closely they may resemble you. We understand that you may wish to try and keep your identity private in your advertisements, but you must not use images that are not of you.

Not only is this an illegal practice in most states, it also breaches copyright laws, and leaves clients felling taken advantage of. All images used to promote yourself, both in advertisement and in your profile, are required by law to be of you and not of anyone else.

If you are worried about protecting your identity in your advertisements, there are ways to conceal your face. Just ask a photographer to help with this process to get the best results.

Try not to use old photos of yourself, if you have gained or even lost weight since the photos were taken, replace them with more up to date images. A client is making a booking based on what they see in the images, as that is what entices them. This means that they are expecting to be with a person of a certain body type, as shown in the photos. It doesn’t matter if you think you have a much better body now and it would be a pleasant surprise for the client. It is still false advertisement, so keep your images up to date.

Keeping Your Photos Private

If you are not going to be open with your friends and family about being an escort, you may want to consider limiting which photos go up on your profile page.

By having sexy photos of yourself on both your escort profile and your social media profiles, means that a google image search can find your accounts. This put you at risk of family and friends discovering that you are an escort, not to mention the risk of clients intruding in your private life.

It is best to keep images separated and restricted to either your private accounts, or your professional accounts, and not across both.

Time to Work Out the Business Details

So, you’ve worked out your escort name and persona, and you’ve established a profile with photos and images…. Now what?

Well, now it’s time to determine your business structure, what services you you are looking to provide, and how you are going to be communicating with your clients. As well as building contacts, and a support network.

Ensuring Your Own Safety

The first thing that you should do is make contact with sex worker and escort community groups and support programs. Organisations such as S.W.O.P (NSW’s leading sex workers advocacy group) can offer support and advice on many topics, from safe sex practices, how to avoid STIs, and local support connections.

By contacting these sorts of community groups, you can find out which clients have been black listed due to past behavior. This is essential when screening your own clients, by knowing who you may want to avoid in advance, it can help to prevent any unpleasant experiences.

These groups can also offer suggestions on how to improve your services, and may even provide you with contacts. If you are looking to do Outcalls, you might even be able to find drivers to escort you to your clients and help ensure your safety, for a small fee of course.

At the end of the day you are responsible for your own safety. While we wish we could say that being an escort is 100% safe, we just cant. As such it would be best for you to have someone know when you are going to see a client, and what time you should be finished by. Even if it’s just a support groups private forum, its always better to be safe then sorry.

How are Clients to Contact You?

From emails, to phone calls and messaging services, there are many ways for escorts to be able to be contacted by their clients. Having multiple contact methods could help to make a potential client more comfortable with contacting you, given that they can choose the method that they are more comfortable with.

Offering multiple contact methods can result in more work for you when you are looking for clients. Choose the contact method(s) that you are more comfortable with, that also fits in with your lifestyle. You may even want to consider having a screening contact method for new clients, and a separate contact method for existing clients. This can actually make your clients feel special as you’ve given them an exclusive contact method that said you would like to see them again.

  • If you are looking at answering phones calls. Are you comfortable with answering any questions new clients may have?
  • Will you also be answering private/blocked numbers as well? Or only displayed numbers?

If you are not comfortable with answering private numbers, and prefer to screen clients instead. Make sure that you mention this in your ads. It is best to inform clients on how to best contact you, then to miss out on a potential client due to a misunderstanding.

If you are using an email address, make sure to pay attention to what information is on public display, set your display name to match your escort name, and ensure that none of your personal details can be seen by sending yourself a test email.

It is important to keep your escort contact details separate from your personal contact details, and never give out your home number or personal mobile number. Your clients do not need to know how to contact you when you are off the clock. This is important as when you decide to retire, it should be as simple as switching off the phone and logging out of the email. You should never have to worry about your work encroaching on your private life.

What Services are you Going to Provide?

To find more clients you need to case a larger net. The more services you are willing to provide, the more likely you are to find clients.

With that said, you should never provide a service you are not comfortable with or don’t enjoy doing. What you are willing to do is entirely all up to you. If everyone else is offering blow jobs, anal, bi-sexual encounters, group sex and BDSM. That doesn’t mean you have to offer the same.

In truth you could consider specializing in one field of fetish or providing a certain role play service. This can be a double edged sword however, as it heavily limits your clientele potential to a niche market. But it does allow you the opportunity to conquer that corner of the market as those with that type of desire will actively seek you out.

Meaning that due to supply and demand, you are able to charge whatever you want with little to no competition.

On the other hand, if you are looking for more regular work and a much more stable income, you may need to consider offering more services. Ask yourself what sexual acts you are comfortable with, what do you enjoy, and how far you are willing to explore your own sexuality.

Only ever offer what you feel comfortable with doing, and be prepared to be competitive in both price and reputation for the services that you do provide.

Are You Going to Be an Incall Or Outcall Escort?

Not familiar with the terms Incall and Outcall?
When a client comes to you, that is an Incall. When you go to meet your client that is known as an Outcall.

Each state has different laws regarding Incall and Outcall services, so make you that you are going to be compliant with the laws of the state you are looking to be working in.

Incalls normally occur at brothels. Basically any premises that offers regular sexual services in exchange for money, is classified as a brothel. Some states require more then one sex worker to operate out the premises, while others deem them to be brothels regardless of how many people may work there.

Once again each state has their own laws regarding brothel licencing, and what does or does not constitute a brother. Make sure that you are compliant with both the state’s and local council laws and regulations regarding brothels, if you are looking to offer an Incall service.

Outcall services can be provided at a clients residence, hotel, or a place of social gathering, depending on the requested services.

Some escorts offer both services, while others limit it to either of the two. There are also some escort communities, that use a system where the room of a house could be rented by their members, when it is needed. This can provide a safe location for them to apply their trade, while skirting around various brothel regulations, and without having to bring their clients to their own home.

How Do You Decide What to Charge?

A repeat and regular client only ever returns for two reasons:

  1. They like you and enjoy what you do together
  2. The price matches the quality of the service

Unless a client becomes infatuated with you, the price will always be the final deciding factor. No matter how much they enjoyed your services, if they can’t afford it they won’t be back as often. On the other hand, if the service was not worth the asking price, (A.K.A they felt like they’ve been ripped off), they may not be back at all. So finding that perfect balance is key.

To gauge a suitable price for the services that you are offering, you will need to first consider what type of experience that you are offering:

  • Erotic Relaxation (non-sexual)
  • Full Service Release (intercourse)

Anything sensual, the girlfriend experience, and anything else that does not involve any form of sexual intercourse, such as:

  • Naked Body Massages
  • Topless Services
  • Hire a Date (going to dinner or an event with the client)

Will generally go for less then anything that involves a sexual nature:

  • Oral Sex
  • Hand/Foot Jobs
  • Intercourse
  • Masturbation (either watching or on their own)

For clients with a kink or fetish, the price could be even higher:

  • BDSM
  • S&M
  • Dominatrix

So trying to work out the price on your own can be rather difficult. The easiest way to work out the prices, would be to assess the local market. Have a look at what the competition is charging, and work out the averages from there, and decide on what you think would be fair.

Should you Charge by the Hour, Or For the Experience?

In other words. Are you looking at being an escort that considers the time that the client has paid for as being the service? Or do you consider bringing the client to climax, as the service, regardless of how quickly this is achieved?

One thing to keep in mind before you decide, is that you are not responsible for you clients bodily functions. Not everyone can be brought to orgasm. This applies to both men and women. As long as you provide the services that you’ve offered, and that the client has paid for, reaching climax is the
responsibility of the client.

Services By the Hour

If you feel that providing a client a service, is defined by how you utilize the time that they have paid for. Then consider structuring your fees around an hourly rate, as apposed to charging your clients by the act. Often referred to as MSOG (Multiple Shots On Goal), your clients are to pay for the time they spend with you, not for the opportunity to be brought to climax.

In this situation, it doesn’t matter how many times the client ejaculates, if at all. A client has paid for the hour, and they’ll get to enjoy your company for the full hour. This actually allows you to include multiple services that are similar to each other during a single session.

This is also a popular service option for clients that either have erectile dysfunctions, such as premature ejaculation, or are able to ejaculate several times in a short time frame.

The Act is the Service

If you think that the service is defined by helping the client to achieve an orgasm, then you may want to consider changing your clients for the services, not the time. This means that regardless of how long it takes the client to ejaculate, the service is over once they do.

A time frame is still needed for these services to ensure that if a client fails to climax, there is still a cutoff period. So in other words a service is booked in for a half hour slot. If a client ejaculates within the first 5 minutes, their service is over there and then. On the other hand, if they fail to reach climax within the allocated time frame, the service still comes to an end.

This type of service is popular with clients that know what they want, and want to get straight to it. Clients who have a greater level of self control, and can delay their own ejaculations, may find these services to be a challenge to take on. Some clients may feel ripped off, if they are brought to climax too early.

Never Let the Client Negotiate your Prices

The only person who can dictate your prices, is you, never forget that. No matter how low or how high your prices are, there will always be clients that will want to try and negotiate, regardless. Only change what you feel is a fair rate for your services.

Offering Deals and Specials

Some escorts offer primary rates that are higher for their one off clients, and lower secondary rates for their repeat and regular clientele. You do not need to do this yourself, but offering a cheaper rate for being a regular, client can actually result in more stable income.

Offering a package deal in your advertisements can also entice more potential clients to make contact. This can work for both hourly rates and service fee structures.

Try using the following terminology examples to promote package deals:

  • Round the World
  • The Pornstar Experience
  • All Access Pass

These terminologies imply that you are willing to offer multiple services, positions and actions during the session. Billing for each service independently would yield you more income on paper, but offering a package that is slightly cheaper can and most often does, entice more clients to select that option.

Advertising and Finding Clients

Attracting clientele and getting yourself known does take time and patience. How you market yourself and promote your own services, is crucial for your business to get underway.

Remember, no business finds instant success.

What Can be Advertised?

Like with some many other regulations for the Sex Worker Industry, each state has their own regulations regarding what can and can not be advertised.

Most states require heavy censorship with regards to genitalia. Some may permit half naked images, and others require some degree of concealment.

Familiarize yourself with that states advertisement laws to avoid any potential infringements.

Your profiles, in particulate your own websites, are your own to control. What you promote and show on these sites is more or less up to you. So, many escorts direct their clients to their online profiles for more information regarding their services.

If you want to promote your services in some form of print, you may not be able to come right out and state what services you actually provide.

This is where escorts use codes and abbreviations to get around these hurdles. Terms like “Greek”, “MSOG”, “ATM”, “PSE”, may be used in lieu of descriptions. As they are not being explicit in their descriptions, this can allow escorts to get around some of these regulations.

For more information on some of the more commonly used terms and phrases, please have a read of our article on Escort Codes and Abbreviations.

How to Attract New Escort Clientele?

Agencies will market you to, and offer your services to “walk-ins” – new clients, or people who either call or turn up without a booking, and with no preference in mind. The agency may also suggest you to a regular client if their favorite escort is unavailable. Exposure is the key to building a portfolio of regular clients.

The same thing applies to being an independent escort. You need to advertise yourself and get your name out there in order to increase business, and attract new clientele.

Provide the best service possible, and you just might be able to build yourself a reliable income off of your weekly and monthly regulars. Keep promoting yourself, and keep your profile active. By providing regular updates, you are able to let potential clients knew that you are still active and you just might draw some in.

Have an Online Presence

Promoting your services on social media is one of the best advertisements that you could do. As long as to follow the platforms terms and conditions, you can build a strong following with many of your followers seeking to become clients, even if its just a once off.

Build yourself your own website to house your profile. Any digital advertisements that you put out there can be linked back to this profile website.

If you can not afford your own website, manage your profile accounts on classified sites like our own and make sure to keep each profile up to date.

Advertising on Classifieds

Choose to use prominent escort directories and classifieds, that have a strong search engine presence, and offer you customer support. Sites like ours are an easy and effective method for promoting your services and finding new clientele. They allow you to build a profile for yourself, that not only show cases what you have to offer, but allows prospective clients to see what services you may provide.

It is vital that you choose a site where you can be in control of the content of your ads and profile. Using a website that offer no customer service, or no way of editing your content, can become rather problematic later on down the track. You need to option to update your profile, images, and contact information, on the fly.

In the event of an emergency situation, or if you are looking to retire, you need to know that your advertisements and profile, can be taken offline or removed at your desecration.

Now You Are Ready

Now that you have carefully considered whether or not you want to become an escort, and which services you are comfortable with providing. It is time to get to work.

Start out at a pace that you feel comfortable with. If you find it difficult getting started as an independent, you can always try working for an Escort Agency. Likewise if you find that you have a knack for working as an escort, you could consider venturing out on your own. Some agencies are willing to work with independent escorts, others require an exclusive commitment.

In either case, have fun working in your new career, and remember that you are not bound to any one agency, or client. You are free to do what you want, when you want, and when you are ready to retire, you can do so at any time you choose to.